Our commitment to environmental sustainability is evident through eco-friendly practices and initiatives aimed at minimizing our ecological footprint.


The Group is committed to environmental sustainability and recognises the significance of responsible ways of operating to minimise our impact on nature. This includes our dedication to minimising our environmental footprint, promoting resource efficiency and contributing to the preservation of the natural environment. In FY2023, we began our journey in establishing and reporting on carbon emissions generated from our business activities, as part of our progress in developing an overall carbon reduction strategy.


At its most preliminary level, WCE’s approach in managing environmental impact is through the adoption of best practices and adherence to relevant international and local standards. We are committed to carry out businesses in a community and environmentally friendly manner based on the following CARE principles:

The construction of the WCE project complied with the Environmental Impact Assessment (“EIA”) Approval Conditions resulting in minimal impact to the environment. We continue to strive to ensure our operating activities are carried out in a manner which mitigates or prevents environmental pollution in order to minimise irreversible environmental damage.




WCEHB is committed towards raising awareness among our employees and business partners in managing our carbon footprint by reducing construction waste, lowering GHG emissions and optimising utilisation of natural resources in all sites where we operate.


Electricity is mostly sourced from the national grid and used for our office premises and toll operations. Given that a large part of the grid in Peninsular Malaysia is supplied by fossil fired coal plants, consumption of electricity indirectly contributes to GHG emissions, particularly carbon emission.

As part of WCE’s initiatives in “tackling carbon footprint” and in support of the country’s vision towards decarbonisation and low carbon economy, we began our GHG emissions assessment across the Group’s operation and maintenance activities on operating highway sections, i.e. Sections 5, 8, 9 and 10 in FY2023. In establishing our GHG emissions inventory, we used FY2023 data to calculate the Group’s profile of Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions as well as four categories under Scope 3 emissions.

The total emission for WCE in the reporting period of FY2023 is 3,311.7 tCO2e. The total emission broken down by Scope is as follows:


Emissions avoidance is the most effective carbon management strategy over a multi-decadal timescale to achieve atmospheric CO2 stabilization and a subsequent decline. This prevents, in the first place, stable underground carbon deposits from entering either the atmosphere or less stable carbon pools on land and in the oceans. For WCE, the emission avoidance initiatives include usage of renewable energy (Solar Panels at all existing offices and operating toll plazas) and recycle waste. For FY2023, solar energy generated is 510,375 kWh and recycle waste is 8.3 tonnes. The total emission avoidance from each initiative is as follows.

Rooftop Solar Panels at WCE Headquarters and Kampung Lekir Toll Plaza


From April 2022 to March 2023, we recorded a total of 510,375 kWh electricity generated from solar PV and 13% of our energy consumption used from renewal energy sources.


As climate change can significantly impact the Group’s business operations, we are considering new opportunities by accelerating the ongoing transition to a low carbon economy




The energy conservation measures in daily operations are monitored monthly under WCE Group’s Environmental Management System (“EMS”) objectives. We measure the reduction or minimisation of energy consumption as part of our efforts to reduce global warming.

The energy consumption of WCE’s office premises from year FY2021 to FY2023 is shown below:

The Group consumed 640,515 kWh of electricity in the FY2023, slightly reduced by 2.67% as compared to 658,069 kWh in the FY2022. The usage of renewable energy from solar panels was started since July 2021 (second quarter of FY2022). During the FY2022, total renewal energy consumed contributed 15% (FY2022: 14%) of the total energy consumption.

The energy intensity for WCE’s office premises for FY2023 is recorded at 103 kWh/m3/year compared to 106 kWh/m3/year in FY2022. According to the data published by Sustainable Energy Development Authority, the typical energy intensity of commercial office buildings in Malaysia ranges between 250 and 300 kWh/m3/year. We are pleased to report that the energy intensity of WCE’s regional offices is below the benchmark.

The Group is also pleased to report that WCE acquired the Green Building Certificate through the participation in the Voluntary Sustainable Energy Low Carbon Building Assessment (GreenPASS) for both of WCE’s regional offices. This certification is authorised and approved by the Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) Malaysia.




In line with WCE Group’s EMS objectives, we also measure monthly water consumption at the office premises.

Water usage for FY2023 increased about 5.5% in line with the increase in work activity and staff. Besides recording annual water consumption, the washrooms and lavatories in WCE’s offices and toll plazas are built with water-efficient fixtures such as push tap faucets and dual flush toilets. Controlled water flow would impact annual water consumption. According to the “Leadership in Energy and Environment” (LEED) rating system, water-efficient fixtures and fittings such as push taps and dual flush toilets could reduce indoor portable water consumption.




Through the Preliminary Environmental Impact Assessment (“PEIA”), we have minimised the impact of the construction of WCE on the surrounding biodiversity as well as to maximise the preservation of flora and fauna by moving any protected species to the conservation areas identified. WCE is in the process of replanting trees along the expressway upon the completion of the project and is in support of the Program Penghijauan Malaysia through Kempen Penanaman 100 Juta Pokok under Rancangan Malaysia ke-12 (RMK12). To-date, WCE has officially recorded and registered 11 trees under this campaign and will continuously update the tree inventory to support this initiative.




Managing waste in a responsible and ethical manner is important in ensuring compliance with the relevant regulations and to prevent pollution to the environment. As the WCE Project is under the construction development stage, construction wastes generally produced comprise mostly earth and other excavation debris, concrete waste, steel scraps, and scheduled wastes.


We employ good waste management practices ranging from allocating proper construction bins at all construction sites, storage areas for scheduled waste and appoint only licensed contractors to treat and dispose scheduled wastes.

Increase in wastes during the year is in line with the intensified operational activities during the FY2023.




In mitigating the impact of construction activity on the environment, the Group appointed external consultants to conduct environmental compliance audits for all sections of the WCE Project. The compliance audit undertakes periodic air, water quality, vibration and noise monitoring in line with the monitoring programmes outlined by PEIA to ensure readings do not exceed limits set in the standards by the respective regulatory bodies.

The Group EMS complies with the Management Standard International Organisation for Standardisation for Environmental Management System (“ISO 14001:2015”) and other requirements. We have also adopted essential best practices to control and prevent environmental pollution which comprises water pollution control, air and noise pollution control as well as waste management.

We have undertaken environmental control measures and activities to ensure adherence to regulatory and guidelines issued by DoE, which include:

With the implementation of EMS and good practices, the Group did not violate any environmental laws and regulations and has not been penalised or fined for any major environmental violation in financial year ended 31 March 2023.